Even though we can guarantee that every Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® practitioner gets enough attention at the group lessons — personal training still has a number of advantages.

Linear structure to truly master every technique, one by one
Pull the best techniques from all Gracie University® programs
Flexible schedule — take lessons when it’s most convenient for you

Master Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® Your Way

With personal training, you and your dedicated certified instructor can step aside from the established structure of Gracie University® programs. You have full control of:

  • The duration of each lesson;
  • Intensity of training;
  • Progress speed.

You still can master all Gracie COMBATIVES® techniques, prepare for the MASTER CYCLE®, but this time — in a special way, most suitable for you.

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

The instructor will always provide the perfect amount of resistance and pressure to maximize your growth. Dedicate extra attention to your weaknesses to eliminate them completely or work extra hours on the moves you personally like to make them as hard to counter as possible.

Each personal training session slightly resembles our Master Cycle program. Lessons in both programs start with a review of previously learned techniques, followed by the introduction of 2-3 new techniques.

Once you fully understand the new techniques, the instructor will show you how to combine them in Reflex Development Drills.

Discover Your “Game”

With extra attention to your strong and weak sides, you can discover “your game” — the unique, signature Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® style. While the classic techniques apply to all, your personal style depends on:

  • Your weight;
  • Strength & Flexibility;
  • Height;
  • Previous experience in martial arts.

Every highly-skilled Gracie Jiu-Jitsu practitioner has a personal set of their own “favorite”, most effective moves. Personal training sessions will help you find the techniques that will work best for you.

Pull from Every Program

All Gracie University® programs are developed for demographic-specific groups to improve efficiency. With personal training, you can step out of the established curriculum and rely solely on your certified instructor.

For yourself — it’s a great opportunity to pull the best moves from every program, and for your instructor — it’s a chance to teach you the techniques, based on your personal unique experience and background. Of course, with all due respect to the Gracie University® values.

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