Gracie BULLYPROOF® in Toronto

Gracie Bullyproof® is the most successful and popular bullyproofing program in the world. This unique Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® program for kids is designed to successfully prevent one of the worst modern issues at schools: bullying.

Non-violent self-defense techniques
Suitable and effective for ages 3-12
Prevent bullying before physical contact

It’s crucial to teach kids how to defend themselves and not to turn them into bullies.

During the Gracie BULLYPROOF® Program your child will:

  • Master non-violent defensive BJJ moves;
  • Learn to stop bullying with one word or one sight;
  • Gain healthy self-confidence;
  • Learn to stand up for themselves ONLY when necessary.

CNN, ABC, NBC, and Oprah featured the Gracie BULLYPROOF® program as one of the few effective countermeasures to bullying for children between the ages of 5 and 12.


We will NOT teach your child how to punch other kids. Verbal de-escalation is at the core of the Gracie BULLYPROOF® program.

For situations when talking is not an option — we teach several carefully selected techniques to neutralize the threat and gain control until the help arrives:

  • Leverage-based moves;
  • Non-violent holds;
  • Techniques that help resolve the issue — not make it worse.

Gracie BULLYPROOF® Main Principles

Increased Awareness. Firstly, the primordial skill we teach is how to distinguish harmless jokes from real assault and harassment.

After the Gracie BULLYPROOF® Program, your child will know precisely when and how to act and how to set personal boundaries that no one can pass.

Unshakable Confidence. We believe that a confident child is a BULLYPROOF® child. We arm your child with the tools needed to overcome not only physical but also psychological and verbal harassment so that no bully will even try to harass them.

Total Responsibility. In addition to techniques and physiological education we also teach five “Rules of Engagement”:

  • Avoid the fight;
  • Defend yourself;
  • The 3 T-Steps;
  • Never punch;
  • Use minimal force and negotiate.

Self-confidence, if encouraged incorrectly, can easily turn kids into abusing their power. Our certified instructors make sure that it’s not the case and that everything they learn is used exclusively for self-defense.

Programs for Every Age

Each age needs a specific approach. Gracie University® invented programs that implement different groups by age AND experience level, so that every child gets the perfect balance of fun and learning in their lessons.

Private lessons (3-4 Years Old)

If you want to teach your child how to defend themselves from their first steps — this class is what they need. Carefully selected Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® moves are available and beneficial even for  the youngest kids, especially when  taught properly.

Little Champs (5-7 Years Old)

The Little Champs program is designed specifically for 5-7 years old kids. It  was created to teach the Little Champs basic self-defense techniques while instilling the foundational principles of leverage and control.

Jr. Grapplers (8-12 Years Old)

Even a child that  has absolutely no experience can get a notable confidence boost within weeks of this program. The 33 non-violent self-defense techniques were selected to teach kids the “neutralize and negotiate” approach.

The Black Belt Club 

The most advanced group is aimed at raising the motivation of the Jr. Grapplers. Invitation-only Black Belt Club is available only to kids that demonstrate all the main traits of a young Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® practitioner: 

  • Discipline;
  • Respect to others;
  • Courage;
  • Leadership;
  • Loyalty;
  • Compassion.

Every Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® BULLYPROOF® lesson is based on the never-aging principle of the “Gracie Games”: a balanced combination of practical learning, motivation and fun.

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